Understand the current comma rules in business writing and where those rules are most often broken.
During your jam-packed, fast-paced workday, you have massive things to handle. In your communication, the smallest punctuation mark can make the biggest difference. Don't let a little comma interfere with your big deals. Join this short session to explore the full range of comma errors that can trip you up and draw negative attention. Master the comma to ensure your emails, reports, and presentations are always on point.

Sherry Prindle
Professional Coach Academy
- Founder of the Professional Coach Academy – Certifying life and executive coaches since 2008
- Lead Trainer and Content Developer – PTR Performance Training Resources
- Author of multiple articles and book chapters dealing with communication
- Founder and host of the Star Marketing Summit biannual event for speakers and coaches
- Certified as a professional trainer, master coach, and gamification master craftsman
- Interdisciplinary Master of Arts degree in Business, Communications, and Linguistics from University of Texas at Arlington
- Can be contacted at 817 657-5301, [email protected], @SherryPrindle on social media, or www.ProfessionalCoachAcademy.com

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