Walk away with a comprehensive understanding on how to close a client file while maintaining confidentiality.
Closing a client file is often governed by professional and ethical rules governing attorneys conduct, and the manner of destruction by state and/or federal law. Learn about the different communications that should be relayed to clients depending on the type of representation and the reason for the end of the representation. Become aware of the various types of law you should be aware of that may be relevant to protecting confidentiality and destroying client files. Recognize the special considerations regarding retention and destruction required depending on the type of document in the file.

Karen A. Monsen
Caldwell East & Finlayson, PLLC
- Partner in the law firm of Caldwell East & Finlayson, PLLC
- Practice areas include employment law, commercial litigation, technology contracts, and intellectual property with an emphasis on electronic discovery, forensic investigations, cybersecurity, and document retention and destruction implementation
- Recognized as a San Antonio Business Journal outstanding lawyer in labor and employment in part based on her work in cybersecurity and forensic investigations of employee wrongdoing, obtaining numerous court orders to protect employer interests
- Conducts frequent seminars and workshops on cybersecurity, e-discovery, employment law, and document retention, including for example, “What HR Professionals Need to Know About Cybersecurity,” “Employee Document Retention and Destruction Policies and Strategies,” “Right to Work Laws in Texas,” “Electronic Record Retention: Mistakes HR Professionals Can Avoid,” “Privacy, Social Media, and Technology Issues,” “Keep Calm and E-Discover On"
- Writes articles related to the areas of employment law and major contributor to e-discovery textbook published by the State Bar of Texas; “Employment Law Issues When Buying and Selling A Business in Uncertain Times”; When First Amendment Rights Collide” published in San Antonio Lawyer magazine
- Programs director for the San Antonio chapter of ARMA
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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