Understand the current Clean Air Act landscape and other current regulatory and enforcement efforts at USEPA.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and, in particular, the Agency’s implementation of the Clean Air Act, have been at the center of the Trump administration’s regulatory reform agenda. The breadth and scale of proposed changes to Clean Air Act programs make it likely that regulated entities will see changes to their compliance obligations. This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of key issues in air regulation and enforcement. First, it discusses the potential for major changes to National Ambient Air Quality Standards and the New Source Review program and provides an update on recent Clean Air Act rulemakings. Second, it explains the role of the Science Advisory Board and what SAB review could mean for EPA actions that are currently under consideration. Finally, it concludes with an overview of enforcement trends. This comprehensive overview is essential for companies and practitioners seeking to keep track of a shifting legal framework.

Ilana Saltzbart
King & Spalding LLP
- Partner in the Washington, D.C. office of King & Spalding LLP
- Former U.S. EPA Senior Enforcement Counsel, Headquarters
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of environmental regulation and enforcement
- Legal 500 U.S., 2015 and 2016
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or (202) 626-3745

Rachel Tennis
King & Spalding LLP
- Senior Associate in the Washington, D.C. office of King & Spalding LLP
- Former U.S. EPA Assistant Regional Counsel, Region 9
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of environmental regulation and enforcement
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or (202) 626-2919

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