Understand the relationship between change orders and claims, and how they are addressed in projects utilizing Multiple Prime contractorsChange Orders and Claims are related in that essentially a Claim is a change order request where the owner and contractor disagree.
The program will address change orders in varying contracting methodologies. In particular, the webinar will address change orders in projects utilizing Multiple Prime contractors. The discussions will include schedule delay analysis, pricing of change orders, and the particular considerations of time extensions in Multi-prime contracts.

Joseph W. Wallwork
Nautilus Consulting, LLC
- Partner in Nautilus Consulting LLC
- Over 40 years of experience in all aspects of design and construction
- Fellow of AACE International
- Provided expert witness testimony in construction matters more than 2 dozen times
- Certified forensic claims consultant, planning and scheduling professional, and certified cost professional
- Written papers and given presentations for AACE International, IRMI, ACEC, and AIA
- Experience as a contractor, resident engineer, and construction manager for various types of projects from design through completion
- Provided budget development guidelines for the new WTCC Transportation Center and managed estimating, cost engineering, scheduling, and risk services for WTCC redevelopment

Eric J. Wallwork
Nautilus Consulting, LLC
- Career has included various positions as civil construction inspector, building project manager, and construction consultant
- Experience in each area of the construction industry involved change orders on every type of project
- Experience with the in-field performance of the work, writing the change orders themselves and reviewing change orders not only for approval but also for claims such as productivity and errors & omissions
- Prior experience has provided a solid foundation for dealing with the obstacles change orders can present

Matthew Street, PSP
Nautilus Consulting, LLC
Matthew A. Street
- Partner at Nautilus Consulting LLC
- Over 17 years of experience in all aspects of design and construction
- Certified Planning and Scheduling Professional (via AACE International)
- Written papers and given presentations for AACE International
- President/Founding Member – Long Island Section of AACE International (2018-current)
- Guest Lecturer – Advanced Project Planning and Scheduling, Farmingdale State College (2016-2019)
- Diverse background in the scheduling and forensic analysis of major capital expenditures including both private and public projects; routinely called upon to evaluate construction schedules and change orders relating to project close-out and the resolution of construction disputes

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