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  • 52 Slides

Canadian Employment Law: Compliance for Doing Business North of the Border


Better understand Canadian employment laws and feel more confident in your ability to navigate employment issues that arise.

Why can't we just fire everyone? Can we get a strong non-compete? Aren't they considered at-will? Can we cut someone's pay? We have to do what?
These are just a few of the many questions that American employers frequently ask their Canadian lawyers. This presentation will answer all of these questions, as well as many more that you are sure to encounter if you have any employees working in Canada. You will learn the basics of Canadian labour and employment law and gain practical information that will immediately improve your ability to deal with a wide range of employment issues. By the end of the webinar, you will likely have a better understanding of Canadian employment law than most Canadians. Attendees will leave the presentation feeling more confident in their ability to navigate employment and human rights issues that arise north of the border, and will have the opportunity to further develop cultural competency skills.



Brian P. MacDonald

Brian P. MacDonald

Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP

  • Partner in the London Office of the firm Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP (‘Filion Wakely’), a top management side labour and employment law firm, located in the Province of Ontario. Filion Wakely is a member of Advocates for Employers of Canada (AEC) which connects businesses with experienced lawyers based on the different region of Canada they are operating in and is also a member of L&E Global, an international alliance of premier employment law boutique firms.
  • Practices in all areas of labour and employment law and acts for a wide variety of union and non-union clients, including federally-regulated clients.
  • Acted as counsel in many significant arbitrations, wrongful dismissals, and proceedings before the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the Human Rights Tribunal. Advised on and coordinated litigation strategy with employer associations and their members, both during the open season/raiding period and during the subsequent litigation. Regularly advises on WSIB issues as well as occupational health and safety matters
  • Co-wrote various texts including Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference - 2020 Edition, published by Carswell and Canadian Collective Bargaining Law: Principles and Practice, published by LexisNexis Canada.
  • Memberships and professional affiliations include Law Society of Ontario; The Canadian Bar Association; Ontario Bar Association; and Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE).
  • Undergraduate Degree, University of Western Ontario; law Degree, Dalhousie University
  • Can be contacted at [email protected]
Alyssa Johnson

Alyssa Johnson

Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP

  • Associate in the Hamilton Office of the firm Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP (‘Filion Wakely’), a top management side labour and employment law firm, located in the Province of Ontario. Filion Wakely is a member of Advocates for Employers of Canada (AEC) which connects businesses with experienced lawyers based on the different region of Canada they are operating in and is also a member of L&E Global, an international alliance of premier employment law boutique firms
  • Practices in all areas of labour and employment law, with a focus on grievance arbitration, wrongful dismissal defence litigation, human rights, workplace investigations, education law, pay equity, and immigration issues.
  • Memberships and professional affiliations include Law Society of Ontario, Hamilton Law Association, Canadian Bar Association, Ontario Bar Association, and Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE).
  • Undergraduate Degree, University of Victoria; law Degree, Queen’s University.
  • Can be contacted at [email protected]

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