The Gun Violence Restraining Order (GVRO) is modeled after the domestic violence restraining order process in California, and takes advantage of existing systems and due process protections. This topic will help practitioners understand the key aspects of California’s groundbreaking law that went into effect on January 1, 2016, and how to identify the circumstances under which it should be utilized to help prevent suicides and other gun violence.
Family law attorneys who are familiar with the domestic violence restraining order process in California are particularly well-suited to assist clients who need to petition for GVROs, but this material will lay the groundwork for general and other practitioners to incorporate this life-saving tool into their practices as well.

Allison Anderman
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence/Americans for Responsible Solutions Foundation
- Attorney at the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence | Americans for Responsible Solutions Foundation
- Public policy attorney who has helped draft Gun Violence Restraining Orders and other gun violence prevention legislation in several states. Tracks and analyzes gun violence prevention legislation in all fifty states. A primary author of the Law Center’s premiere publication, Gun Law State Scorecard,
- Regularly appears on television and radio and in the press to discuss gun laws in the United States
- Can be contacted at [email protected] and on Twitter® @TheAnderMind

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