Understand how to write with clarity and precision to become a better business writer.
This is an important topic for your success! United States businesses cite written communication as one of their employees' biggest skill problems. This webinar teaches current guidelines and up-to-date practices affecting business writing today to ensure that business documents are correct, polished, and professional. Participants learn how to organize their thoughts to present their ideas clearly and effectively and how to avoid common communication and grammatical errors that can sabotage credibility.

Jan Zaragoza
High-Performance Training Solutions
- President of High-Performance Training Solutions, a performance improvement firm specializing in the areas of business communications and supervisory and management development
- A dynamic speaker and respected facilitator, she conducts workshops on numerous topics including business writing, meeting skills, accountability, and time management
- Author of MEETINGS OVER EASY: How to Have Better, Shorter, More Productive Meetings and Coaching Skills Guidebook
- Member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), and the Association for Talent Development (ATD)
- Can be contacted at 858-484-1734 or www.hpts.net

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