Learn to recognize and handle bribery cases in a professional manner.
This topic will discuss the requirements and responsibilities the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act requires of companies and individuals, as well as learn about ways to prevent and spot potential FCPA violations. We will provide an overview of the FCPA, and why it is an important statute for you to pay attention to in your practice. We will also provide a picture of how U.S. regulators have been using the FCPA as we look at recent enforcement trends. Additionally, we will provide you with an insight into what U.S. regulators look for in terms of determining that a company has a compliance program that would be effective at combatting violations of the FCPA. Finally, we will also go over some common red flags to help you learn to spot and address potential FCPA violations.

Tatiana Redko
- Senior Manager with more than 10 years of experience in PwC’s Investigations & Forensics Practice
- Provides accounting, auditing, litigation, and investigative experience to attorneys and clients
- Has advised audit committees, counsel, boards, and management in addressing allegations of fraud, non-compliance, corruption, and integrity of financial statements
- Global experience includes financial investigations, anti-bribery and anti-corruption diligence and proactive assessments, corruption investigations, development of third party-programs, and development and delivery of anti-corruption training
- Has led anti-corruption compliance and fraud assessments in over 25 countries, across a variety of industries, including healthcare, life science, pharma, energy, industrial products, financial services, and information technology
- Has experience managing large investigations involving financial statement frauds, revenue recognition issues, conflict of interests, and asset misappropriation
- Routinely works on matters involving the SEC and the US DOJ, assisting both the US regulators and their respondents
- Can be contacted at 703-659-7413 or [email protected]

Olivia Singelmann
Foley & Lardner LLP
- Senior counsel and litigation attorney with Foley & Lardner LLP
- Member of the firm’s Government Enforcement Defense & Investigations, Business Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Securities Enforcement & Litigation, and Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) Practice Groups
- Practice includes litigation matters, with a focus on representing clients in investigations and/or enforcement proceedings by the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
- Has experience representing companies and individuals in government and internal investigations relating to: the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and U.S. sanctions (OFAC) in both English and Spanish; public company accounting; compliance with public company audit standards; and criminal antitrust matters
- Has experience representing businesses in a broad range of complex litigation matters before state and federal courts
- Can be contacted at 202-295-4146 or [email protected]

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