Explore and understand the who, what and when of contract bid protests.
This content is designed for contract professionals with five or less years of experience. It explains the fundamentals of bid protests before an agency or a court. We will explore the history and purpose of competitive bidding, the agency perspective on bidding and bid protests, the general principles of bid protests, the difference between pre bid protests, post award bid protests, agency bid protests, judicial bid protests and evaluating the prospects for success on a bid protest.
The primary purpose of this topic is to equip contract professionals with a competent understanding of bid protests, the options for presenting a protest and the means of evaluating the likelihood of success.

Carol A. Sigmond
Greenspoon Marder LLP
- Partner in the New York office of Greenspoon Marder LLP
- Concentrates her practice on construction industry matters, including contract preparation, mediation, litigation, suretyship, bid protests, appeals, and arbitration
- Extensive experience in litigation of construction disputes for public works and buildings in both the public and private sectors
- Experienced mediator and is on the New York County Supreme Court Commercial Division Roster of Volunteer Mediators and the American Arbitration Association’s Roster of Construction Industry Arbitrators
- Former President of the New York County Lawyers’ Association, former Vice President of the New York State Bar Association for the 1st Judicial Department, and member of the New York Building Congress, GCA New York, SCL North America, CLSA, ABA, New York State Bar Association and New York County Lawyers Association
- Frequent speaker and author on topics relating to Construction Law
- J.D. degree, The Catholic University of America School of Law; B.A. degree, Grinnell College
- Can be contacted at (212) 524-5074 or [email protected]

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