Learn how investing in your employees through engagement can help prevent turnover and motivate employees to stay.
As tens of thousands of boomers and matures retire from the American workforce every day, a majority of positions are being filled by millennial workers (employees born between 1980-1996) and generation z employees. These less tenured employees possess an entirely different set of expectations from work compared to prior generations and their idea of the employee-employer relationship is fundamentally different than previous generations of workers. They expect their work to have meaning, employers to share their values and be active in the communities they serve, solicit their employee's input how to improve the organization and act upon the ideas their employees provide. In short, there is an entirely new dynamic that exists between organizations and their most engaged employee, brand ambassadors, in today's 21st Century American workplace.

Ethan L. Chazin, M.B.A.
The Chazin Group LLC
- Principal of The Chazin Group LLC
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of business growth coaching
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous areas related to leadership, sales effectiveness, culture transformation, diversity and belonging, and employee empowerment
- Author of several publications related to the areas of career exploration and culture transformation
- Membership information: Goldman Sachs 10,000 small businesses coach, Kauffman Foundation FastTrac Growth coach certification
- M.B.A. degree in marketing, George Washington University
- Can be contacted at 917-239-5571, [email protected], or https://www.thechazingroup.com

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