Learn how to measure performance, maintain employee engagement, and build a culture for your remote employees.
When you have remote employees, you're up against challenges you don't usually experience when you have everyone working in the same building. The management techniques utilized on-site don't always translate correctly with your remote staff. The most common problems remote employees are up against are limited communication with management and co-workers, employees working outside of the 9-5 workday, technical limitations (no company computer or email), low engagement, and a lack of company culture.
This topic will help you see the importance of becoming more conscious of the challenges faced by managers of a distributed team, the tools they should employ, and management techniques for measuring performance, maintaining employee engagement, and building a culture remotely.

Eric Wall
Equivity, Inc.
- Founder and CEO of Equivity
- Our company of over 130 employees working entirely remotely provides administrative, marketing, and paralegal services across the U.S.
- Eric has presented his Virtual Law Firm 101 course to attorneys in California, Florida, and Texas
- Georgetown University, B.S.; Harvard Law School, J.D.
- [email protected]; 800-679-5315

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