With proper planning and implementation, an effective mentoring program can be a win for the employees as well as the employers.
Sustained success is the goal of any business. Your business can build a chemistry that promotes lasting productivity with the help of an effective mentoring program. Building a mentoring program in the workplace facilitates educational opportunities that can help employees advance in their careers and can facilitate a welcoming corporate culture. Mentoring programs have been proven to reduce high turnover rates, tackle diversity problems and improve employee engagement. Creating a successful mentoring program for employees can be a challenging but worthwhile initiative. Learning to engage with employees in the most positive way will promote learning and contribute to the success of your mentoring program. This topic will help you achieve that victory. Organizations need to create viable career paths for employees that promote strong internal mobility and allow individuals to explore opportunities from a lateral, vertical, or even a diagonal perspective. A mentor relationship is a viable tool in this developmental process. Preparing to be an effective mentor is a key component of instituting an exceptional program. Your program is advanced by learning more about mentoring and the qualities of a successful mentor. It is important to know how you benefit from the mentoring relationship and the do's and don'ts of mentoring. This topic will focus on how aligning talent management processes and providing linkages between job roles, desired competencies, and key experiences will help organizations enhance their future competitiveness. The discussion will demonstrate that implementing well-thought-out mentoring strategies can provide employees with opportunities and a clear direction of how to increase their skills and advance their careers within their organizations. Being an amazing mentor is about discovering and building upon an employee's innate strengths and tapping into their greater worth to the organization.

Larry Hammond, Sr.
Sea Ventures Consulting
- Owner of Sea Ventures Consulting
- Through his workshops, strategy sessions, and keynote addresses, he focuses on helping organizations that are stuck in the way it has always been done, thinking without ever achieving true satisfaction, to transform
- By producing an organizational culture that creates a contagious leadership environment, helps organizations to achieve maximum performance, increase employee retention, and heighten employee engagement
- More than 20 years of senior leadership, coaching, training, and development experience
- Mentor in business, marketing, sales, human resources, entrepreneurship, and leadership in public agencies and community organizations
- Facilitated management and employee feedback sessions
- Coaches leaders and managers in public and private industries around team building and culture development
- Developed, delivered, and evaluated a variety of training seminars, including, customer service, change management, strategic planning, leadership development, and public speaking
- Provided leadership training to Leadership Pasadena, a leadership program that empowers, inspires, and connects leaders who strengthen a diverse community

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