Understand the various provisions included in employee release agreements.
Employee release agreements are an invaluable tool in preventing post-termination lawsuits by former employees. However, it is imperative to properly draft such agreements to ensure they are enforceable. This presentation will help participants gain valuable insight into the myriad federal and state laws pertaining to employee release agreements, identify potentially problematic provisions in such agreements, and avoid the legal landmines that can result in an unenforceable agreement.

Genevieve M. Murphy-Bradacs
Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
- Senior Counsel in the Employment, Labor & Workforce Management practice in the New York office of Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
- Provides legal counsel to employers on all aspects of labor and employment-related issues, including employee discipline; accommodation requests; compliance with federal, state and local leave laws; and employment best practices.
- Reviews and prepares employment, consulting, and separation agreements, restrictive covenants and employee handbooks
- Provides advice and counsel regarding “Fair Chance” laws and other federal, state and local laws governing the use background checks for employment purposes.
- Conducts anti-harassment and other workplace training.
- Served as a Law Clerk to the Honorable Francine A. Schott (Ret.) of the New Jersey Superior Court, Civil Division, Essex Vicinage.
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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