Learn about the different cyber attacks being used amid the COVID-19 pandemic and how to avoid them.
Threat actors have started to abuse the panic and discomfort of the COVID-19 pandemic to conduct special designed malware and phishing attacks worldwide. There has been hacking mayhem, malicious campaigns, fake government websites, and so much more. For instance the U.S. Health and Human Services Department suffered a cyber attack on its computer system; this was aimed at undermining the response to the coronavirus pandemic through disruption and disinformation. This topic will cover what organizations can and must do to protect their data and to mitigate false data being presented. Learn how to protect your data in light of recent events, how to protect your organization from a cyber attack, and standards you may wish to implement.

Michael C. Redmond, Ph.D.
EFPR Group
- Director, IT and GRC Consulting and Audit for EFPR Group’s Governance, Risk and Compliance Consulting and Audit division
- Recognized international consultant, auditor, speaker, author, and trainer
- Consulting and auditing experiences includes cyber/information security, business continuity, disaster recovery, risk management, emergency management, asset management and ISO for clients in the health care, insurance, financial and manufacturing sectors
- Held executive management positions at Deloitte, KPMG, Chubb Services and Redmond Worldwide
- Spent four years on active duty with the U.S. Army and an additional 17 years in the National Guard and Reserves, assignments including Company Executive Officer, Public Relations Officer and Company Commander; retired at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
- Has three published books that are being sold in over 20 countries: Mastering Your Introduction to Cyber Security, Mastering Business Continuity Management and Mastering Your Work Life Balance
- Strong risk compliance background and is up to date on DOD, PCI, ISO, NIST, DFARS, HIPAA, DFS, FFIEC, COOP, COG and more
- Certified instructor for ISO Certification classes
- Ph.D. and M.B.A. degrees in international business; currently enrolled in M.B.A. in risk management and M.B.A. in information security

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