Learn more surrounding the AHP's within the workplace and how this has been regulated with key impact in today's society.
Many small to middle sized employers struggle today to compete for employee talent and to provide their employees with competitive employee benefits. Over the last 10 years, the group health insurance premiums have increased by nearly 70% and the number of market choices has shrunk. Many small employers have dropped their group health insurance coverages, leaving their employees to fend for themselves. Association Health Plans have been around for a long time but have been surrounded by confusion and controversy. President Trump issued an Executive Order in October of 2017 and the Department of Labor followed that with a final rule in June 2018. The final rule has changed the health insurance landscape for employers and employees. It's time to take a fresh look at Association Health Plans as a viable solution. This topic will reintroduce you to Association Health Plans (AHPs) and Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs) and how they can benefit organizations who offer them to their employees as part of an affinity program. It will dispel rumors and myths that surround AHPs and help you weigh the pros and cons of these programs when considering whether to invest in them for their employees. As talent attraction and health insurance costs become a greater challenge for every business, including nonprofit organizations, the time is now to find out how to evaluate the value of an AHP to your organization.

Mark J. Lamberth
Capstone Administrators
- Senior vice president with the Capstone Administrators and practice leader for GuidingPosts, LLC
- Recognized expert in the Affordable Care Act and in Multiple Employer Plans
- Frequent speaker at numerous benefits industry and association industry events
- 42 years in the health & welfare (employee benefits) industry
- Served employers of all sizes in 31 states, from Fortune 100 companies to 2 employee groups
- 20+ years in building & managing AHPs, MEWAs & Multiemployer Plans (labor)
- Successful record of building and growing health plans for several major insurance companies
- Active in Industry Trade Groups (NAHU) and lobbying efforts in DC & States
- Listed twice in the Journal of Who’s Who of America’s Healthcare Executives
- Can be contacted at 859-300-6432, [email protected] or [email protected]

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