Gain the tools to assess the condition and remaining service life of asbestos cement pipes.
Thousands of miles of asbestos-cement (AC) pipe in North America are reaching the end of their expected service life, although actual service life depends largely on pipe condition and working environment. AC pipe applications include water distribution systems, sanitary sewers, and industrial process piping. As typical replacement or rehabilitation costs for underground systems at greater than $1M per mile, system managers and owners must determine where to focus limited funds and how to optimize mainline replacement. This workshop provides AC pipe system operators with the tools necessary to assess the condition and remaining service life of AC pipes within their specific system. Application of these tools will be demonstrated using actual case studies.

Mateusz Radlinski, Ph.D., P.E.
Exponent Failure Analysis Associates
- Principal Engineer at Exponent, Inc.
- Professional practice focuses on all aspects of concrete and cement-based materials used in modern infrastructure projects
- Performed numerous asbestos-cement pipe condition assessments including remaining service life analyses and failure investigations
- Presented and published technical papers on asbestos-cement pipe condition assessment
- Author of publications related to material characterization, performance evaluation, durability, and failure analysis of concrete materials
- Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and American Concrete Institute (ACI)
- Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
- Contact information: 650-688-6752 or [email protected]

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