Learn the different jurisdictional standards for competency to stand trial and the procedures for getting your client evaluated.
Most criminal defense attorneys will eventually encounter a client who seems irrational and unable to understand the basic workings of the justice system. The client is ill-equipped to assist in their defense and may even appear intent on harming their own case. Often attorneys will also represent people who may be stable at the time of the proceeding but were impaired when they committed the crime. This topic will explain the distinct standards for a determination of not guilty by reason of insanity and how the procedures for determining competency and legal insanity often overlap. Finally, this information will enable attorneys to better assist their clients by explaining how to get them the care they need while ensuring their right to a fair trial is protected.

Meredith S. Heller
Law Office of Meredith S. Heller PLLC
- Principal, the Law Office of Meredith S. Heller PLLC
- Practice emphasizes criminal defense and professional responsibility
- Frequent speaker at CLEs on substance abuse and the profession, as well as professional ethics, generally
- Member of NYS Bar Association’s Task Force on Lawyer Wellbeing (chair, Emotional Wellbeing Subcommittee)
- Member of the New York City Bar Association (former chair, Professional Responsibility Committee; former chair, Lawyers Assistance Program Committee), New York State Bar Association (member of Professional Discipline Committee), New York Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers, and Federal Bar Council
- J.D. Degree, Cardozo Law School; M.A. and B.A. Degrees, Case Western Reserve University

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