Make sure you're making the right hiring decisions and learn how to spot common lies and embellishes on candidate resumes.
According to a 2017 survey by, 'Seventy-five percent of hiring managers said they've caught a lie on a resume.' The top two embellishments were around skill sets and job responsibilities. The ramifications of this reality are enormous. What else are they not telling you? Not only can the untruthful candidate (and potential employee) expose themselves and your organization to legal issues, the cost of hiring and onboarding employees you don't even want is a drain on your already drained recruiting budget.
This topic is intended to provide you with information on how to uncover the less than honest candidate. You'll explore what drives a candidate to lie and what you can do about it. Become a resume sleuth as you hone your skills at uncovering inaccuracies and misrepresentations. Be prepared to walk away with a toolbox of resources and tips to mitigate a fake hire. This information is critical for employers to spot out the questionable candidates you don't want in your organization. The content closes with a review of the many ethical dilemmas around recruiting.

Stacy Lowman
- Seasoned training and development, human resources and communications professional
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on a far-reaching set of business topics within areas of expertise (HR, training, call center, virtual workplaces, and corporate communications)
- B.A. degree in communications, University of NC at Greensboro; completed a mini M.B.A., management certification, Rollins College
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or on Twitter® @StacyLowman

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