Learn about the most common animal law cases as well as recent legislation affecting animal law.
This topic will provide a very brief overview of the rapidly expanding field of animal law being practiced nationwide, which provides opportunities for litigation, legislation and corporate/transactional work. Animal law has a very broad range and this material will serve only as an introduction to some of the most common and popular topics. The field covers everything from companion animal issues in local communities (dog bites, dangerous dog issues, leash laws and breed specific legislation) to the housing of exotic and wild animals, to larger national and international legal and policy issues involving the use of animals for food, clothing and biomedical research. Animal law education has also affirmatively and permanently entered the law school curriculum, with courses in over one hundred law schools. Bruce A. Wagman, whose practice covers a wide range of litigation, legislative counseling and legal consultation in the field, as well as teaching in multiple law schools, will provide a survey of highlighted areas and specific cases.

Bruce A. Wagman
Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila LLP
- Riley Safer Holmes & Cancila LLP – San Francisco office
- Exclusive practice in animal law litigation, consultation, legislative affairs and education, has brought and tried multiple state and federal cases involving a wide range of animal law issues
- Adjunct professor, Animal Law, Stanford Law School, Berkeley Law, Hastings College of the Law, 1996-present
- Coeditor: Animal Law: Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition, Carolina Academic Press, June 2019, the first casebook for animal law courses in law schools, first published in 2000; Author: Growing Up with Animal Law: From Courtrooms to Casebooks, Journal of Legal Education, November 2010; Turning Points In Compassion: Personal Journeys of Animals Advocates, 2015; quarterly contributor to American Bar Association Animal Law Committee newsletter since 2011; co-wrote A Worldview of Animal Law, Carolina Academic Press, April 2011
- J.D. degree, magna cum laude, University of California, Hastings College of the Law; B.S.N. degree, Columbia University School of Nursing; B.S. degree, Cornell University

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