Learn when expungements are the appropriate course of action and the process of how to properly expunge a record.
The process of getting a criminal record expunged or sealed can appear to be overwhelming and difficult. Many states are beginning to make the process easier and more pro se' friendly. While procedures have fewer hurdles, properly expunging one's record can still be complex and fickle. Lifetime limits on expungement petitions can make the analysis of whether one should seek an expungement even more difficult. This topic discusses the good and bad of expungement law. Learn what an expungement can really do as well as its limitations, so that you can effectively advise clients on when it is appropriate to seek an expungement. Additionally, the material will also explain the difference between sealing and expunction. If you are unsure about the expungement process, this topic will help guide you through a typical expungement case and discuss some real-world employment issues and solutions.

Raymond P. Dudlo
Bamberger, Foreman, Oswald & Hahn, LLP
- Attorney at Law
- Practice areas: civil litigation, real estate, municipal law, family law, appellate practice
- J.D. degree, Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis; B.A. degree, Texas Christian University
- Licensed in the States of Indiana and Texas, Licensed in Federal Court (Southern District in Indiana)
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or (812) 452-3529

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