in 1998, with additional significant changes passed in 2008. Law to be construed liberally (§610.011):...
Legislative History and General ProvisionsWho is covered by the law?
Case Law Examples
What is a meeting?
What is a record?

Jean Maneke
The Maneke Law Group, L.C.
- Owner of The Maneke Law Group, L.C.
- Practice involves representing media entities as large as Time Magazine and as small as rural Missouri villages and third-class cities, as well as fire districts and levee districts in northwest Missouri
- Named in The Best Lawyers in America since 2006
- Serves as counsel to the Missouri Press Association since 1991
- Works closely with legislators in Jefferson City on drafting changes to the law
- Former reporter and editor for 10 years
- J.D. degree, Missouri-Kansas City School of Law
- Can be contacted at 816-753-9000 or [email protected]

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