Who Must Keep Records for Sales and Use Taxes?Examples of Types of Businesses Which Must Keep Records
Why Must Records Be Kept?
What Type of Records Must be Kept?
Exemption Certificates

James A. San Fillippo, CPA, CMI
- Multistate tax expert at BDO USA LLP with more than 25 years of experience in sales and use tax issues
- Expertise in identifying sales/use tax savings and refund opportunities, developing tax planning strategies, and analyzing compliance process policies and procedures
- Proficient in managing the sales and use tax audit/appeal process
- Significant experience serving clients in the manufacturing, retail, contracting, and service industries
- Former corporate auditor with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue
- Frequent speaker on sales and use tax issues
- Member of AICPA, WICPA, IPT and Wisconsin Taxation Committee
- B.B.A. degree in accounting, University of Wisconsin
- Can be contacted at 414-615-6774 or [email protected]

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