
Planning for the Disabled: Special Needs Trusts

Special needs trusts, often called supplemental needs trusts or supplemental care trusts,
are trusts created for disabled and elderly persons, and which are intended to supplement but not replace any public benefits the trust beneficiary is receiving. Trusts are generally drafted as special needs trusts if the assets of the trust alone would be insufficient to support the beneficiary and/or pay for the beneficiary’s health care.


Types of Special Needs Trusts
Who Can be the Beneficiary
Drafting Tips and Samples


Daniel E. Buchanan

Buchanan Law Office

  • Attorney in private practice focusing on elder law
  • Practice area includes providing both simple and complex estate planning services/strategies; and advising on estate, gift and income tax avoidance and compliance; developing plans for long-term care, surrogate decision making and Medicaid; and handling the establishment and administration of guardianships/conservatorships, decedent’s estates and trusts
  • J.D. degree, University of North Dakota; B.A. degree, Jamestown College

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