
Overview of Estate Planning and Administration

The initial interview with family members and other persons interested in an estate, usually
at a time of a funeral or memorial service, presents both challenges and opportunities. This report will help you navigate these challenges and opportunities.


Getting the Facts - The Initial Interview
Timelines and Appointment Process
Inventorying, Claims, Distribution and Closing


Daniel E. Buchanan

Buchanan Law Office

  • Attorney in private practice focusing on elder law
  • Practice area includes providing both simple and complex estate planning services/strategies; and advising on estate, gift and income tax avoidance and compliance; developing plans for long-term care, surrogate decision making and Medicaid; and handling the establishment and administration of guardianships/conservatorships, decedent’s estates and trusts
  • J.D. degree, University of North Dakota; B.A. degree, Jamestown College

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