the unfunded federal mandate and will reduce stormwater contaminants; and Whereas this ordinance is a significant step toward addressing the issues with the existing developed environment related to Stormwater;
Be it therefore Ordained:
Order this report to learn more about the new storm water quality ordinance in New Mexico.
Industrial activity certificationAmendment of a SWQ permit
Revocation of SWQ permit
SWQ permit duration/termination
Compliance monitoring; methods
Kathleen Verhage
City of Albuquerque
- 20 years of experience in regulatory compliance and permitting at federal, state, and local levels
- Professional engineer by training and a bureaucrat by profession
- Spent the last seven years managing the COA’s NPDES MS4 program
- Undergraduate degrees in chemical engineering and geology and geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.S. degree in civil engineering, with an emphasis in environmental engineering and water resources, University of New Mexico-Albuquerque
- Can be contacted at 505-768-3654 or [email protected]

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