over the transaction, activity, property or event which it seeks to tax?
One of the principal nexus issues involving sales and use taxes is whether a state can require a non-resident, i.e., out of state, vendor to register, collect and remit its sales
and use taxes. In addressing this issue, the Constitutional analysis looks to the Due Process Clause and the Commerce Clause. The analysis under both has evolved significantly over the past few decades.
Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 ("MFA" or "The Act") (U.S.Senate Bill 743)

Kathleen M. Holston, CPA, CMI
Global Tax Management, Inc.
- Senior manager with Global Tax Management, Inc.
- More than 20 years of experience in state taxation
- Instructor for the Institute for Professionals in Taxation’s Advanced Sales and Use Tax School
- Practices in the areas of income and franchise, sales and use, and property taxes
- B.A. degrees in accounting and management, Rutgers University

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