These final rules made a number of changes to the current HIPAA privacy, security, breach notification and enforcement requirements. The changes went into effect in March of 2013, and the compliance deadline was September 23, 2013. Despite the passage of time, many health care providers and Business Associates still have not updated (or implemented) a HIPPA Compliance plan with all the required documentation. The promise of more HIPAA audits to begin later this year, getting your HIPAA compliance program in order is crucial.
With regard to Business Associates, the definition has been expanded to include vendors who create, receive maintain, or transmit PHI in order to perform a function on behalf of a covered entity. The addition of those companies, who “maintain” PHI, even if they do not regularly view it, has broadened the reaches of HIPAA. This expanded definition has resulted in many new and existing vendors now being considered business associates, with direct liability for compliance and increased responsibilities.
Updates from HIPAA/HITECH.Record Keeping and Retention Guidelines and association Guidelines for Document Management
Statutory Retention Requirements
American Health Information Management Association Retention Guidelines
Destruction of Patient Health Information
Guidelines for Defining the Legal Health Record for Disclosure Purposes
Documentation Guidelines for Risk Management, Physicians and Nurses

Diane S. Robben, Esq.
Sandberg Phoenix & von Gontard P.C.
- Shareholder with Sandberg, Phoenix & von Gontard P.C. in St. Louis, Missouri
- Member of the firm’s Health Law Practice Group and leader of the Transactional/Regulatory Subgroup
- Frequent speaker to physicians, hospitals, nurses and risk managers, as well as other lawyers on various topics
- Represented numerous hospitals and health care providers in defending cases involving wrongful death, catastrophic brain injuries and a wide array of medical matters
- Advises health care clients on policy issues, risk management, contractual arrangements, Medicare reimbursement, credentialing and HIPAA compliance and other transactional/regulatory matters
- J.D. degree, magna cum laude, Southern Illinois University School of Law; B.S. degree, magna cum laude, Bradley University
- Can be contacted at 1-800-225-5529 ext. 4274 or [email protected]

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