The most successful documents are those written in plain English. By plain, I don’t mean dull, drab, or trite. To the contrary, English, like all still-spoken languages, is a living, evolving organism. Plain English uses the language to its fullest to make direct, precise points in an efficient and exciting style. Most bestselling novels, whether popular fiction or literary fiction, use direct, robust language—as opposed to stilted, pretentious, wordy prose—because it is more effective, regardless of what you are trying to write. Interesting words and dynamic language capture the reader’s imagination. Fancy or affected language tends to draw the reader’s attention to the author and away from the story. In almost all cases, the simplest, most straightforward approach to making an argument is the best one.
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William Bernhardt
William Bernhardt Writing Programs
- New York Times-bestselling author of forty books
- Experienced trial attorney
- Named by Barrister magazine in Top 25 Young Attorneys in nation
- Author of the Red Sneaker Book Series on writing
- Conducts regular writing seminars and workshops
- J.D. and masters degree
- Can be contacted at [email protected], Twitter®: @wbernhardt or website

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