bills. As prospective penalty periods for transfers are imposed under the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, and facilities review patient files to prepare Medicaid hardship applications, the facilities may more frequently choose to send the files to bill collection firms, to sue responsible relatives. This article reviews some recent lawsuits by facilities against children of nursing home residents.
Learn North Dakota Relative Responsibility LawCurrent Legal Theories for Family Liability
Daniel E. Buchanan
Buchanan Law Office
- Attorney in private practice focusing on elder law
- Practice area includes providing both simple and complex estate planning services/strategies; and advising on estate, gift and income tax avoidance and compliance; developing plans for long-term care, surrogate decision making and Medicaid; and handling the establishment and administration of guardianships/conservatorships, decedent’s estates and trusts
- J.D. degree, University of North Dakota; B.A. degree, Jamestown College

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