Workplace Policies Every Employer Should Have (and Some to Consider) - It is important to create policies that not only increase an employer’s security but also give the “perception” of detection. Employees that believe they will get caught are less likely to try to steal. In fact, increasing perception of detection is one of the most effective ways to deter theft. It requires that all employees know that managers are actively seeking to prevent internal theft. Of course, publication alone is not sufficient. Otherwise, the company has the policy equivalent of a “Beware of Dog” sign, with no dog. Employers must also enforce their policies, and the policies must provide mechanisms to detect and guard against misappropriation.”
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Diane Krebs is a Partner in the New York office of Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP. She has extensive experience in civil rights, and labor and employment matters, including discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination, defamation, civil service, equal pay, and wage and hour claims.

Diane Krebs
Jackson Lewis P.C.
- Partner in the Melville, Long Island office of Jackson Lewis P.C.
- Extensive experience in civil rights, and labor and employment matters, including discrimination, harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination, defamation, civil service, equal pay, and wage and hour claims
- Represents companies, large and small, public and private, in labor and employment litigation before federal, state and local courts, agencies, mediators and arbitrators
- Litigation practice involves extensive interactions with clients, in-house counsel and administrative agencies, including counsel for the NYSDHR and the EEOC
- Conducts sensitivity and handbook training in house for all levels of employees, to reinforce the policies of the employer and ensure its discrimination and harassment protocols are publicized and understood
- Provides comprehensive counseling and advice to corporate owners and human resource personnel on daily issues and personnel decisions that arise in the workplace, including litigation avoidance and/or minimization techniques, planning reductions-in-force and other cost-cutting measures, setting up performance plans, and addressing emergency workplace situations
- Prepares and reviews a multitude of human resource-related documents, including employment applications, FMLA forms, disciplinary notices, performance reviews, termination letters and employee handbooks
- J.D. degree, New York University School of Law; B.A. degree, Queens College of the City University of New York
- Can be contacted at 631-247-4670 or [email protected]

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