More and more collectors and debtors are asking the questions about sending and receiving collection information through email. As you know email is not covered in the current FDCPA but is being looked at by the FTC so that the laws can be updated and changed. So until that happens, what should we do?
As a first party collector or an original creditor you do not have to follow the FDCPA, only the state laws where you and your debtor are located. BUT as an original creditor trying to collect on a past due invoice, is it ethical or appropriate to utilize email as a collection tool?
Some debtors are confused when they receive a collection letter in their email box. This seems to be because they are used to receiving them through the postal mail and not through email, so this is something new to them which then makes them look at the law. No one wants to receive a collection notice, and some believe email is “private” or “protected” by the law and are upset to receive a collection notice by email.
Other debtors say they would rather get a notice through email with a live link available within that email so that they can immediately make the payment on line and be done with it.
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Michelle Dunn
Michelle Dunn Writer, LLC
- Founder of the Credit & Collections Association, LLC
- Called the nation's authority on collecting money
- 24 year debt collection industry veteran, entrepreneur, published columnist and award-winning writer
- One of the top 5 women in collections for 2007 and 2008
- One of the top 50 most influential collection professionals of 2007
- Writer of many books and a contributor to the Wall Street Journal
- Can be contacted at or

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