some form of criminal background check because they want information about criminal behavior and other related data prior to bringing a candidate into their organization. The rationale for seeking this information ranges from identifying candidates who are honest when filling out their applications, to finding those who display a history of good decision-making and judgment, to reducing the risk of
criminal behavior in the workplace and related civil liability by excluding those applicants who may be most likely to (re)engage in criminal activity, potentially posing a risk of harm to the organization and/or its employees.
Are background checks right for you?What information is relevant for a particular candidate?
What steps can an employer can take to avoid liability?
Retention of I-9 forms and documents
Penalties for illegal employment and record-keeping violations

Jaklyn Wrigley
Fisher & Phillips
- Associate with Fisher & Phillips LLP; Gulfport, MIssissippi office
- Practices in labor and employment litigation, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, Title VII, I-9 and e-verify compliance, H-2B visa litigation, noncompete agreement litigation
- Listed in Super Lawyers as a Mid-South Rising Star for 2013
- J.D. degree, summa cum laude, University of Mississippi School of Law; B.A. degree, cum laude, University of Mississippi
- Can be contacted at 228-822-1440 or [email protected]

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