foreclosure action in court, obtaining a favorable judgment from the judge, and then foreclosing (or using the threat thereof) on real property to collect payment. In order to enforce (i.e. foreclose) a lien, you will always be involved in some form of Superior Court proceeding. That is because only a Superior Court judge can direct a county sheriff to conduct a foreclosure sale at
public auction. However, there are some alternatives to using the courtroom to debate the issues and contentions that separate the parties. Dispute resolution approaches such as arbitration, mediation and facilitation offer some alternatives for resolving the underlying lien claim outside of the courtroom.

Lawrence B. Linville
Linville Law Firm PLLC
- Member of the Seattle law firm Linville Law Firm PLLC
- Practice focuses on business and construction law, and a large part of his law practice involves the enforcement of construction liens
- Participated in the drafting of the lien laws in 1991 with the Washington State Legislature
- Presents a number of seminars each year to contractors and trade associations on matters dealing with contracts, collections, liens and current legislation
- Admitted to practice in all courts in the state of Washington, the federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court
- J.D. degree, University of Washington School of Law
- Can be contacted at 206-442-1560 or [email protected]

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