Listen for the magic words donors say so you can catch the CRT opportunities.
A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) can enable donors to realize charitable goals that would otherwise seem beyond their reach. In its simplest form, a CRT is a giving tool that permits a donor to make a gift to charity while retaining a cash flow for life. The CRT is a powerful combination of tax, finance, charitable and estate planning made possible by dedicating today a gift to charity in the future while reserving a lifetime cash flow.

Gregory W. Baker, J.D., ChFC®, CFP®, CAP
Renaissance Philanthropic Solutions Group
- Executive vice president of Renaissance Administration Philanthropic Solutions Group
- Consulted on more than 19,000 charitable remainder trust documents
- Drafted over 4,000 charitable remainder trust documents
- More than 25 years of full-time focus on charitable planning
- Lectures nationally on CRT planning including ten times at the National Conference on Philanthropic Planning
- Board Member of National Association of Charitable Gift Planners
- Past president to Charitable Gift Planners Indiana
- Advisory board member and lecturer for the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy designation for the American College
- Former charitable fiduciary risk manager for Merrill Lynch Trust Company and the Merrill Lynch Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Management in Princeton, New Jersey
- J.D. degree, Indiana University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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