Criminal Sanctions
1. Building code, as adopted by local jurisdiction, has the same force as an
a. Violation of county adopted code – Class C misdemeanor – Tenn.Code Ann. 5-20-105(b)(1)
b. Violation of state adopted code – Class B misdemeanor – Tenn.Code Ann. 68-120-108
c. Separate offense for each day the violation continues
2. Injunctive relief available to Codes Official and State Fire Marshall
Get this report to learn more details and see specific case examples.
Liability For Code Violations: Design Professional, Contractor, Owner, InspectorMeasure of Civil Damages
Administrative Action Implications for Code Violations
Limits of Liability
Contractual Shifting of Risk

R. Jack Atkins
Atkins Legal Services, P.C.
- Sole practitioner with Atkins Legal Services, P.C., Crossville, Tennessee
- Practices construction law (litigation, mediation and arbitration)
- Former licensed general contractor and construction company owner
- Speaker and seminar instructor for various local home builder associations
- J.D. and B.S. degrees, cum laude, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Can be contacted at 931-510-1205 or [email protected]

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