1. Dealing with code changes, education, keep up with LSUCC adoption changes ex: Emergency
Wind Zone Adoption
2. Future budget constraints will affect code enforcement.
a. Jurisdictions may increase contracting with private companies to meet these needs.
b. Staffing and business hours may be cut.
c. Quantity, responsiveness and thoroughness of inspections may decrease.
d. Outreach and education may decrease or become privatized.
e. Fuel costs may result in less trips to the job-site or more combination inspections
3. Uniformity across Jurisdictions or even within a jurisdiction needs improved.
4. Inspection consistency needs improvement.
5. As the industry gets more diversified and complicated misunderstandings will arise, more
6. Nuisance abatement and dilapidated structures.
Code Requirements vs. Actual EnforcementUniformity across Jurisdictions
How to Form a Relationship with Enforcement Officers
Special Inspection Requirements
Jurisdictional Pitfalls
Richard Dean Kimball, II
CodeGreen Consulting, LLC
- Owner and operator of CodeGreen Consulting, LLC
- ICC certified building official and have been working in Louisiana for the last six years
- Over two years of experience as building official for Jefferson Davis Parish
- Registered with the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council as a third-party provider and wind mitigation surveyor
- I.C.C. certified building official and ASFPM floodplain manager
- 15 years of experience in design and drafting, residential, commercial, retail tenant improvement projects and 20 years construction trades experience
- Solid knowledge of building codes and permitting/inspection processes including project administration, client/contract negotiation, and field work experience
- Previously was the building official/combination building inspector/instructor at the Institute for Building Technology and Safety
- Previously worked on contract basis for Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government and for the Town of Grand Isle as their building inspector
- Focused in up to 150 m.p.h. hurricane wind zone and special flood hazard area (coastal) construction methods and materials, green building programs, residential and commercial wood and light gauge metal framing, plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems, elevated structures, NFIP regulations and seismic

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