First established in 1989, Partnerships in Health and Safety (Partnerships) was developed with the belief that:
-when employers and workers build effective health safety management systems in their own workplaces, the human and financial costs of workplace injuries and illness will be reduced.
-more can be achieved by working together than by working alone
-corporate leaders in the province can take time to be proactive in creating a climate where employers and workers work together to ensure a healthier and safer work culture ultimately leading to greater industry self reliance and less government intervention
Barbara Semeniuk, BSc. CRSP
Purcell Enterprises Ltd.
- President of Purcell Enterprises Ltd., a safety and loss management consulting firm
- Extensive experience in industrial health and safety
- Conducted more than 1,000 audits of companies both large and small
- Taught auditing skills for numerous organizations
- Degree in biology, Simon Fraser University; diploma in health and safety, BCIT; certificate in adult and continuing education, University of Alberta

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