Records Management Programs: Information – Asset or Liability?

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September 10, 2013

It is human nature to consider the results of all the hard work that goes into creating the documents that we manage an asset for our organizations. Surely the time, effort and expense is worth a great deal to the people who created the records! These records help us in times of uncertainty and tell us about the past and the present with great accuracy and helpful insight. The blade of information cuts through the fog of human memory as surely as a knife through butter.

It’s the same logic that prevents many businesses and other organizations from realizing the other side of this very sharp knife. Once a document has made it to the end of its useful life in our storage areas and file rooms, those very documents that shed light into our board rooms and accounting activities become ticking time bom bs waiting t  explode. That potential information explosion is what otivated em ployees for one of the most prestigious acco unting and consulting fir ms in the n tion, Anderson, to brea k the law and shred thousands of pages of incriminating evidence in a attempt to cover their trac ks of fraud and deceit. Their actions brought an entire company to it s knees literally overnight.

Information is an asset only during its retention period. The day the documents can be destroyed, they t urn on your organization like so ma ny gossips w aiting to expose your in ner most secrets. De troy them w ith glee. They deserve exactly what they get!

Author: Michael Dailey Co-owner, vice president and chief marketing officer of Recordsforce, Inc. Past management experience in business-to-business services, most notable within the telecommunications industry. Extensive first-hand management experience in account acquisition, client support and product marketing M.B.A. degree, Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester; B.S. degree, University of Rochester Can be contacted at 603-766-8000 or [email protected]

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