Implementing a Records Management Program: Beginning

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September 10, 2013

Establishing a Records Management Program can be a time-consuming and daunting task. Without organizations management commitment there is little hope the necessary resources will be available to accomplish this mission. The proper organization and maintenance of business documents and content is vital to any firm – regardless of size. How well you manage your firm’s documents (and content) directly affects how you can meet legal, regulatory and tax requirements…even recover from a disaster. Yet the explosive growth of paper and digitally based information that firms create and receive combined with the growing regulations and regulatory penalties has made this an increasingly difficult, yet urgent imperative.

The key to your business' success is to prevent its file cabinets, storage areas, film and CD archives, hard drives and servers from being turned into warehouses of useless information. Identifying, organizing, maintaining and accessing needed and/or required information, as well as correctly filtering the unnecessary documents and purging expired end-of-lifecycle records pays off in cost savings, efficiency, regulatory compliance, and reduced exposure during litigation.

Records management, once an ignored stepchild of the basements of US organizations has come of age. Its importance and value, while not universally recognized, has moved forward and up the corporate agenda. A poorly managed records program can leave your business open to growing regulatory fines and even incarceration for top executives; it exposes your business to unfavorable litigation and decreases its ability to be competitive. The benefits of records management include cost savings, improved efficiency, regulatory compliance, and a greater sense of security, sanity and predictability.

Author: Michael Dailey Co-owner, vice president and chief marketing officer of Recordsforce, Inc. Past management experience in business-to-business services, most notable within the telecommunications industry. Extensive first-hand management experience in account acquisition, client support and product marketing M.B.A. degree, Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester; B.S. degree, University of Rochester Can be contacted at 603-766-8000 or [email protected]

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