5 Things Every Sales Super Star Knows - and You Can Too

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March 22, 2018

Super Star Sales

Most sales professionals understand the basic techniques of proper selling. However, the top salespeople seem to have some secret knowledge that allows them to reach incredible heights of success. Fortunately, you can learn their secrets and wield this power also. Here are five things every sales superstar knows.


Most salespeople focus on the close of the sale. According to State of Inbound, 71% of sales professionals say closing more deals is their top priority, followed by improving the efficiency of the sales funnel (44%) and social selling (29%). [1] Notice that you don't see relationships on this list.

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Top salespeople spend a significant amount of time fostering relationships with their clients. By becoming a resource for prospects, you build trust and create a true partnership. Superstar salespeople understand that the value of an ongoing relationship with customers far exceeds the value of closing a single sale.


Many sales people handle resistance by lowering the price. This is not the most effective solution. If a customer perceives a product as too expensive, they are blind to its value. By clearly conveying the value of your product, you can avoid the temptation to lower the price. Customers typically do not respond to price lowering. They want lower cost, not price. There is a difference in these two terms. Price is the simple dollar amount paid for an item. Cost refers to the overall cost of making the wrong purchase and long-term impact of buying a particular product. Superstar salespeople understand that raising the perceived value is much more important than lowering the price.


Successful people across all industries report consistent learning as a primary contributing factor to their success. Top salespeople higher coaches, attend seminars, read books, and attend networking events. They take responsibility for their lives and engage in behaviors centered around self-development. A study by the International Coach Federation revealed the following statistics about clients who took personal development seriously enough to employ a coach: [2]

  • 62.4% of employees got smarter in goal-setting
  • 60.5% of employees received a more balanced life
  • 57.1% of employees experienced the lowest levels of stress
  • 52.4% of employees became more self-confident.
  • 43.3% of employees improved the quality of their lives

Time Management

We all have 24 hours in a day. But some people get an enormous amount of work completed, while others flounder. Are these people not sleeping? What makes them so productive? The answer is time management. Superstar salespeople simply use their time wisely. Most of us waste time without even realizing we are doing so. The best way to correct this, is to understand where you are wasting time. Spend a few days keeping track of your activities, and the exact amount of time you spend with each. This will help you determine where you are using your time unwisely. Then, simply change your behavior to match your time management priorities.


Some people mistake passion for enthusiasm. They are quite different. A person is passionate when he believes in himself and what he is doing. He exudes confidence and self-esteem. Most people sleepwalk through life, with zero passion for life. Superstar sales people hold a deep passion for life.

 Top salespeople do not have some sort of super power. They simply have knowledge and understanding that others do not. Additionally, they use this information and act upon it. Anyone can read a sales performance book and believe they have the tools to become the best. The superstar salespeople incorporate action into their plan. By acting upon the tips above, you will be on the path to becoming a superstar sales professional as well.

Contact us for more information about improving your sales skills. 


[1]  "Business Data and Insights." State of Inbound, www.stateofinbound.com/?__hstc=20629287.5403bfe6d6118b34f8475c5c99596823.1504785426052.1521270026160.1521642333946.7&__hssc=20629287.1.1521642333946&__hsfp=1195337543.

[2]  "ICF Global Coaching Study." Coach Federation, International Coaching Federation, coachfederation.org/research/global-coaching-study.

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