10 Tips to Help Your Cold Emails Get Accepted

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October 17, 2017

10 Tips to Help Your Cold Emails Get Accepted

10 Tips to Help Your Cold Emails Get Accepted:

Cold emailing can be a scary concept for many businesses and it can be a risky business. Cold emailing requires putting yourself and your business out there in a way that few other ways of getting responses do. Cold emailing also may mean you waste your time as you never even know if your emails are being read, opened, and considered let alone responded to. However, when it's done properly, cold emailing can help drum up new business and get your name out there as a business providing a great quality service.

When cold emailing some of the following are great tips that can help you succeed and send emails that are well-received by the person, company, business, or entity that you are cold emailing. While some of it is just practicing the art of cold emailing till you are comfortable with it and perfect the art, there are some techniques and ways of cold emailing that can help you make the most of the emails you send without risking your reputation or the reputation of your company.

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Some of these great tips to keep in mind include the following:

  • Make the Pitch Customer-Centered: When you are cold emailing focus on how your idea, concept, though, or service will help the customer. Make it about them and their needs, not about your business and your need to push and market sales. Make the person on the other end feel like they are gaining something the can't get anywhere else if they take you up on your idea.
  • Keep It Short As Possible: Avoid "rambling" or sending extensively long emails to clients as they are busy people. Be sure to include only vital details to the idea or concept you are cold-emailing. The shorter and sweeter, yet more thorough the idea the more likely the client is to understand what you want and respond accordingly.
  • Keep Subject Lines >50 Characters: Keep subject lines short enough so the client can see what the topic is about without having to even click on the message. If they can't see what it is about and don't know who it's from, they well may delete it from their overflowing inbox.
  • Ask Direct Questions: Ask the person you are emailing direct questions. Being asked a direct question will illicit a response if the potential customer is interested in your sales pitch. This way, if the client is interested they have to answer your questions to provide you with quality information to start the project. Moreover, it ensures more responses if clients are indeed among interested audiences in the services and products you offer.
  • Acknowledge the Cold Pitch Emailing: This will help make you seem more human if you acknowledge that this pitch is indeed a cold-pitch rather than acting like the client asked to receive this email. Customers will respect that you understand respect their privacy and if they truly are interested they will know to express that interest. It helps them to know there is a real person behind this email and not a spam bot.
  • Make it A winning Situation For All Involved: Provide them with a cold-pitch or an email that they can't refuse. Write your emails in a positive, upbeat tone that make everyone involved a winner. Portraying that sort of attitude makes it much harder for the potential customer to refuse the offer if everyone seems to benefit from the arrangement.
  • Customize Intros: Don't start the intro off with "Hello ___" or "Dear ___" before delving right into the information. Instead, use personalized introductions such as asking something about the area the customer lives in or how something in their business is going. People love to meet someone who feels personable and like someone they can connect with. Ensuring that you are feeling this way to a client can help them decide positively to responding to your message promptly and possible even accepting your offer.
  • Solve An Issue That Client Has: Show that you can solve a problem the client is facing. If you can help fix an issue the client is having, you will seem much more useful and increase your chances that the client wants to do business with you. Satisfy the client in your first business exchange and there may be many more interactions and a lot more business down the road from that client. If they do not use you in the future they may recommend you to other friends in the field or other businesses that do. 
  • Propose a Chat: Ask if there is a good time to chat. Offering to meet with a client on the phone, via Skype/internet chat, or even in person if they are near in proximity can help encourage the client to get the project off the ground. Don't force them to commit to doing business but offer a low-key, friendly meeting that can help get the ball rolling on the project and help the entire process get off the ground. 
  • Don't "Play Desperate": Never act desperate to a client as that will only turn them off. They may also tell potential clients they know that you seemed clingy and off-putting and ensure that those clients never use your services either.

For more information about cold emailing and about how to cold email potential clients you would like to work with please feel free to contact us.

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