The Lorman Blog

Where training professionals and lifelong learners come for industry news, insights, and continuing education resources.

As remote work continues to be the norm, some may never return to the office. So why are companies ditching the office and opting for a remote workforce? These are 7 incredible benefits to remote working.

Posted on 03/29/22

The eLearning industry is inundated with different words, phrases, and acronyms. These are the top 25 most common eLearning terms you need to know.

Posted on 03/22/22

Do you need courses for your LMS? Are you looking for a content vendor with the right LMS integrations? This free eBook is your step-by-step guide to buying eLearning content for your learning management system.

Posted on 03/15/22

Leadership is a highly subjective practice. Nonetheless, leadership is essential to the realization of organizational goals. Read eight major leadership styles, their pros and cons, and where you lie.

Posted on 03/08/22

New employee training has always been a crucial part of any onboarding process. Having an effective training plan is key to business success and talent retention, and many companies rely on online training to help achieve that goal.

Posted on 03/01/22

Training and eLearning is necessary to give professionals the opportunity to succeed and advance their careers. Employees who want to advance their careers should submit a letter to request training to their employer that states their goals.

Posted on 02/22/22

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