The Lorman Blog

Where training professionals and lifelong learners come for industry news, insights, and continuing education resources.

Many modern businesses are doing away with the annual performance reviews. But what should replace the traditional performance review so you can continue to motivate and monitor employee performance?

Posted on 10/22/20

The availability of online courses has made it increasingly hard to figure out which ones will give you the most value for your money. Here are 9 questions to ask before investing in online training.

Posted on 10/20/20

It was easy for companies to address problems when only 17% of employees worked remotely. But when nearly 50% of the American workforce works remotely, companies must rely on online training.

Posted on 10/15/20

Education and occupational outlook are closely aligned. While many agree more education tends to mean higher pay, the type of education isn't always clear. Is it better to get a certificate or degree?

Posted on 10/13/20

November is Career Development Month and to help you prepare, we handpicked 50 of the best professional development courses in the Lorman Learning Library.

Posted on 10/08/20

Although there are downsides to working from home, there is certainly one silver lining for legal professionals: more flexibility with completing CLE in 2020. Learn why now is the time to fulfill CLE credits online.

Posted on 10/06/20

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