The Lorman Blog

Where training professionals and lifelong learners come for industry news, insights, and continuing education resources.

We spoke with 13 founders and CEOs who shared their insights on the best ways to future-proof the workforce with strategic learning and development, proper skills training, and support from leadership.

Posted on 03/23/21

Hard work should never go unnoticed — especially in the workplace. In fact, companies with employee recognition programs have 31% lower voluntary turnover. Here's how you can recognize your employees' hard work.

Posted on 03/18/21

Unhappy employees are more likely to leave your organization. Learn how to take care of your employee mental health to improve their productivity and increase your company's value.

Posted on 03/16/21

There’s a lot to consider when finding the right content for your employee training program. But when it boils down to off-the-shelf vs. custom courses, which one should you choose?

Posted on 03/15/21

More and more companies are coming to understand the value of reverse mentoring, especially for diversity and inclusion. But what is reverse mentoring, and how can you create an effective mentoring program?

Posted on 03/11/21

Professional development important for everyone — whether you're an employee or the employer within an organization. It allows you to have the required skill sets to contribute to overall organizational success and achieve the most in your career.

Posted on 03/09/21

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