6 Risks of Ignoring Continuing Education
Posted on 12/28/21 By Lorman Team
Continuing education is a key component to the success of many professionals around the world. Even after college and university students obtain an advanced degree, there are no limits to what can yet be learned.
Nevertheless, many professionals find it challenging to carve out the time for continuing education and may even put off employer-mandated CE until the last possible minute.
6 Risks of Ignoring CE and Training
Failing to invest in mandated and non-mandated CE credits could severely affect one's career. Below are six of the biggest risks of ignoring continuing education requirements:
6. Loss of Certifications or Licensing
Continuing education is required for some professionals to maintain active licenses. Noncompliance with continuing legal education (CLE), for instance, can be extremely costly.
In New Jersey, for example, those who do not complete required CLE in time will be fined $150. In Texas, professionals who fail to meet the deadline are fined $100 every month after the end of the individual's compliance period.
However, attorneys are not the only ones who risk fines and punishment for noncompliance. Many other industries, such as engineering and medical, require continuing education credits for certifications.
5. Decreased Opportunity for Promotion
Employers are interested in an employee's mindset as well as his tangible achievements. Team members that are eager to pursue continuing education demonstrate their commitment to their chosen field of work and signal to management that they can be trusted to pursue excellence.
In contrast, employees that are reluctant to attend continuing education courses, or balk at the opportunity to increase their knowledge, will likely find that their supervisors are less inclined to recommend them for promotions.
4. Decreased Opportunity for Income
Increased income and promotions go hand in hand. Studies have shown that an advanced degree is a key difference-maker in income level; in fact, graduates with a doctoral or professional degree earn, on average, over 2 times more than workers with a high school diploma or GED equivalent. Thus, many workers that are seeking a higher income level naturally turn to education as one potential solution.
The same principle holds true for continuing education. For example, if professionals don't maintain their certification credentials then they automatically become less marketable within their own field.
3. Less Confidence
Another less concrete but equally important reason for professionals to invest in continuing education is the confidence that CE courses can instill in them. Employees that have the requisite knowledge to perform their tasks at the highest level gain confidence as they do so, and this, in turn, can attract employers seeking top-notch talent.
In contrast, workers that don't keep up with the latest developments in their industry may begin to lag behind when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness. Their confidence will begin to falter, and their managers, colleagues, and even recruiters will likely notice.
2. A Smaller Professional Network
Networking is all the rage nowadays, and for good reason. For instance, professionals that conscientiously expand their circle of acquaintances within the business world are much more likely to hear about golden opportunities for the desired career transition than those that do not.
CE classrooms, either physical or virtual, are key "watering holes" for professionals in a wide range of fields. If an employee tries to dodge CE certification, he will not only miss out on the boost to his credentials but may also lose the chance to form professional relationships that could eventually lead to career advancement.
1. Missed Opportunity for Personal Development
Finally, professionals should be willing to pursue continuing education because of the personal development factor. Experts agree that learning is a lifelong journey — even for those who are completely satisfied in their current occupation.
Continuing education enables employees to become more skilled workers, to expand their base of knowledge, and to widen their circle of acquaintances and friends. These and other benefits all contribute to personal growth. Employees that try to avoid CE deprive themselves of the opportunity to enjoy this growth.
CE is an integral part of career pathways within many industries, and thousands of companies require that their employees undergo regular continuing education. Whether you pursue CE as a way to maintain your professional credentials, as an avenue to increase income level, or as an opportunity for personal development, Lorman can help fulfill your continuing education needs.
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