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Top 5 HR Articles for Industry Insights

Top 5 HR Articles for Industry Insights

Posted on 04/26/22 By Evan Stiger

Human Resources professionals know how quickly things change. Corporate regulations are constantly being revised at the state and federal levels to change how HR oversees, pays, recruits, and protects their workers.

Continuing education is a crucial way to remain up to date on the latest changes, and part of that practice is making learning a daily habit

That’s why Lorman produces and publishes articles. These bite-sized insights help you navigate the day-to-day decisions you face without impeding your typical workday.

Read on to learn the top five trending articles that are receiving attention by your colleagues now.

Top 5 HR Articles for Industry Insights:

Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Age discrimination can impact employee satisfaction and turnover. In some cases, it also poses a legal liability. Learn what age discrimination is, what laws enforce noncompliance, and how you can overcome and prevent it.

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Payroll Overpayments

Although infrequent, there are times when an employer makes an overpayment to an employee. This is obviously concerning and can become a headache depending on the severity of the error. Learn common causes, various legal circumstances, and other considerations in rectifying overpayments.

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State Requirements for Sexual Harassment

Many business have implemented sexual harassment training courses to reduce the visual costs and avoid the public scrutiny. But what are their actual requirements? Learn about compliance in certain states.

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Facing the Risks of Departing Employees

When an employee leaves your company, you're not always done with them. In fact, in some cases, an employee leaving your company can pose substantial risk to the company as a whole. To protect yourself and your company, make sure you're following these key steps to protect company assets, privacy, and more. 

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Proper (and Legal) Documentation Tips When Writing Up an Employee

In America, the majority of employees are considered employed at will which means, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, that an "employer can terminate an employee at any time for any reason, except an illegal one, or for no reason without incurring legal liability." The same rules apply to employees who can leave their job "at any time for any or no reason with no adverse legal consequences."

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Articles are a helpful way to begin your learning journey, but what about deeper insights? We often hear from HR reps who need deep insights into payroll, FMLA, and workers’ compensation compliance.

To refine your knowledge, check out our HR courses. There are several specialties to choose from, including recruiting, employee leave, compliance, workers’ compensation, benefits, and payroll.

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